Custom Length - Diamond Form Faraday Fabric

$66.45 Sale Save
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70 denier ripstop polyester interwoven with a copper - nickel RFID composition to create a durable fabric with industrial-grade signal blocking capabilities. This fabric effectively diminishes signals such as WiFi, cell phone signal, GPS, and bluetooth with an average attenuation of  80dB - 120dB all the way up 40GHz. Uses include personal data protection, EMF radiation reduction, signal isolation, and more. This fabric is also highly durable and wear resistant while allowing for a sufficient flexibility. 
Used to make faraday bags, RF enclosures, EMF deflection, signal proof rooms or tents. High-shielding nickel and copper composition blocks WiFi (2.4 & 5GHz), Bluetooth, cell signals (5G), GPS, RFID, and radio signals with 80-100dB shielding rating from 10Mhz to 5Ghz. EMI shielding & RFI shielding.
We recommend completely covering intended electronic devices to prevent signal leaks and we also offer faraday tape to help create a tight seal. 
Custom length cuts are available. Please message us via our contact page for custom order inquires. 
  • Radio frequency (RF) signals such as cell signal, WiFi, and Bluetooth
  • GPS satellite broadcast
  • Vehicle smart key fob transmission
  • Electromagnetic interference from Smart Meters and other devices
  • Faraday enclosures to protect personal devices such as cell phones, tablets, and laptops
  • Electronics testing environments
  • EMI /EMF radiation shields
  • Bug-out bags / survival kits
  • Shielded clothing and headwear


Faraday Fabric